Sunday, November 14, 2010

Make New Friends, But Keep the Old

So I'm officially down to just over a week left in my training town, and I've already hit the point where certain moments I'm close to tears about it. I would never have guessed that it would be possible to reach this level of comfort in a world that was so foreign to me only two months ago. My family and I have reached the point where we're all completely comfortable enough around each other to be ourselves. We're sarcastic, we have inside jokes, we can comfortably sit in the sala with nothing but music on in the background and pass hours at a time just talking, laughing, dancing or watching the people outside pass by. I never thought it would be possible to feel “at home” in someone else's house like this. And it's not just in my house that I feel “at home.” Walking through my town, I may not know every single person, but I never make it all the way down the block without seeing at least 3 familiar smiling faces. I never used to buy it when I read people´s PC blogs about making real friends during their service, but that doubt just seems ridiculous now. I´ve only been here two and a half months, and I really do have people in my family and town that I would consider my friends. When I returned from my site visit, the bus driver asked me where I'd been, and the kids from my block ran up the street to give me hugs and ask when the next youth group meeting would be. Then, when Jessi and Katie, my fellow trainees, got home the three of us got to spill every single story/emotion/thought about our visits – in ENGLISH and it was amazing. I can't even describe how good it felt to “come home” after such a challenging and trying week away. Now we're down to pretty much one week, and I can't picture leaving at all. I hope with all of me that I'll eventually feel this way about BelĂ©n. Luckily, we still have a few fun events planned with our youth group, and we were told there's going to be a DJ-ed party in the “cancha,” or basketball court in our town this Saturday! Other towns have these kinds of parties all the time, but they never have them here! I'm so excited to get to go and dance!
Well, here's to soaking up every single second I have left!

PS My host cousin just rode past the cyber on his horse. Figured I´d share.


  1. I'm sure after a couple of weeks in your new "home" you'll start to feel more comfortable and make a few friends. Good luck and try not to stress over it. Oh yeah and find out what your new address is going to be. Love ya lots and lots as usual. Tante

  2. Think back to when you first arrived and how scary, nervous,exciting and stressful it all seemed. You conquered easily! Now you will start anew and once again conquer! I don't think there is anything you cannot do once you set your mind to it! That's what makes you special and the rest of us blessed to know you! Love and hugs! Don't forget the address. Although now that i know how to make videos on FB maybe I'll communicate that way, lol! Love ya!

  3. Yesterday I told the guys at Mens b-fst how you are an inspiration to me. I'm so proud of you and the work you are doing and will continue to do over the next several months. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Seek strength in the nature that's around you, resting assured that His hand will guide you if you ever feel lost. Just don't forget to ask.
    Love always,

  4. "One is silver and the other gold!" :)

    It's really assuring to know that you've had loving, comforting people around you and crazy that you grew so close to them over these last couple months! They've given you memories to last a lifetime, and that's enough to know that you're following your heart.

    Please know that although I may not write half as much as I should, I pray for you every single day that He brings you the strength and guidance that you need to carry out this journey. I love you very much Krista, keep up the amazing work!

    Love always,

